Dorothy Tillman: Genius who earned 1st degree at 10 and 2nd at 12

  • Dorothy Jean Tillman is a Chicago indigene with two degrees to her name
  • The 14-year-old genius obtained her first associate degree in psychology at age 10 and her second degree at 12

  • Dorothy Jean Tillman earned her first degree at the College of Lake County and her second at Excelsior College respectively.

At 14, Dorothy Jean Tillman, a brilliant young teenager who resides in Chicago, is already a graduate with two degrees to her credit. Dorothy Jean Tillman received her bachelor’s degree from Excelsior College which also graduated a 72-year-old that same day on July 13, 2018, when she was 12 years. Prior to earning her bachelor’s degree, Tillman had already bagged an associate degree in psychology from the College of Lake County, in Grayslake, at age 10.

Nicknamed Dorothy Genius by her mother, Jemelita Tillman, the precocious student plans to continue her pursuit of levelling up to a master’s degree in environmental engineering, but she’ll take some time away from the classroom before she attains another diploma.

“With environmental engineering, it’s all about helping people, the environment, and that’s just what I love to do, that’s what makes me happy.” DJ’s mother noticed her daughter’s love for school when she began memorising “double digits by four or three” and made an effort to nurture her love for learning. She also added that her child “is one of the greatest” things to come out of Chicago’s south side. Despite her academic prowess, the child prodigy still makes time for leisure activities. “It’s not I just lock myself away from the world,” she said. “I still have friends and we go to the park and go to the movies.” Her mother believes that Dorothy is one of many great things emerging out of the south side of Chicago. ”Dorothy, I believe, started doing double digits by four or three, and we were really excited about the way she loved learning,” her mother, Jimalita Tillman said.

Tillman believes that environmental engineering is all about helping people and the environment, and that’s just what she’d love to do. ”I want to get my master’s in environmental engineering. I do want to take a couple of gap months,” she said. The 14-year-old NSBE Jr member and Summer Engineering Experience for Kids (SEEK) alumnus has been making positive strides in her community via volunteer works such as ”The BackPack Givebacks”. Dorothy Jean Tillman hopes that by this, she would encourage other young girls her age to pursue their dreams especially careers in STEM.

