MandyNews.com has sighted an incredible story of a woman who went into labour whilst on a motorcycle headed to a hospital.
She was however lucky to have come across Rita Wurapa district Director of Health and a nurse who quickly used her professional skills as a midwife to help to woman deliver her baby safely seeing that the baby’s head was already coming.
A few days ago DDHS Rita Wurapa and Public Health Nurse Rose Ayivor were on a monitoring trip to Dambai and Nkwanta.
At Dambai, her team encountered a woman in labour on a motor bike. She was in obvious distress, the okada driver drew to a screeching halt. A crowd started to gather round the screaming client, helpless driver and anxious relatives.
With 15+ years of public health under her belt, she drew closer. Urged by instinct she engaged the client only to see woman in labour, head in perineum.
In the middle of the street, DDHS Rita and PHN Rose delivered the baby and marshaled women standing by to form a screen with their clothing.
Baby was delivered and mother was sent to hospital. Mother and baby are doing very well.
As health staff and leaders, we often have to lead by example.
Congratulations DDHS Rita Wurapa, you did just that.”
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