Ogochukwu Mary is young and talented, she finished her youth service not quite long, instead of looking for job, she has turned her talents to a money making machine.
Please tell us more about background?
My name is Ogochukwu Mary, Am from Ebony state. From a family 5, Three girls and two boys, am the second daughter.
I finished from Art department at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, 2015. I majored in Painting. I did my youth service in Owerri, IMO State . I’m based in Lagos.
You’re an Entrepreneur, what does your business entails?
Am a visual Artist by Profession.
Photos of Mary’s Art work Exhibition.
How did you discover your talent in painting?
It all started from my child hood I’ve always known how to draw. I did art in my secondary school level where I discovered I have passion for art, because of that I chose Art as my career. I got my inspiration from my late dad who was a photographer.
I got inspired whenever I see a nice photograph that depict an image or a particular scene. Also from my elder brother who was into art but not full time , I got inspired whenever I watch him draw. But I can tell you am far better than him now because he never took it serious.
How did you raise fund for your business?
I’m very good at what I do so people always patronise me from there I was able to save money to start up a studio after my service.
What medium do use for advertisement?
I place my advert on social media platform . I have my face book, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter. I’m yet to have a website.
What major challenges do you observe in your business?
wow, whole lot of challenges. Art materials are very costly, some re not even affordable because of that, people go for photographs instead of paintings.
Some people will abandon their work for you because they might have hard issue with the person they want to give it to. Some will give you advance to start a work and it will take them one year to come for it. Some will give you picture of them to draw after getting the exact copy they will abandon it for a reason that they are not fine.
Quality materials for art can not be found in Nigeria so is always difficult to get one.
You’re the boss, how does it feel working by yourself?
Oh is really awesome because I always have time to do other things for myself.
Will you say is financially rewarding, does it pay the bills?
Oh yes . Art is one good business that once you take it serious you can never go hungry.
Where do you see your brand in 5 years?
Where I have my Art Gallery full of art activities , with my students.
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