Pray to God, live a holy life, so many people sin and still cry out to God, God is not a fool your prayers will only hang on the sky, it won’t reach the most high.
I’ve heard people say they’re praying after having sex the previous night.
Some ladies have the audacity to say, I’m seeking God face for a life partner and yet you’re frolicking with men and fornicating. When you want to seek God’s face for a life partner, please don’t sleep with him, you’ll be defiled in God’s face cause your body is God’s temple.
Another fast to receive something real fast from God is sowing your first fruit. Your first fruit is your first salary or the first salary you received in the month of January.
Pay your tithe regularly once you receive your monthly income cause your seed will speak for you.
I cannot count the number of times I misplaced my phone, bag or gadget and I will later find it exactly where I left it. Nobody can steal from you when you pay your tithe.
When you pray you must have faith like a mustard that can move mountains, don’t be a doubting Thomas.
Another key to answered prayers, if you ask me I will say is the fastest. Fasting sends your prayer directly to God but only if you’re born again and you live a righteous life. You’re not perfect, but he will send the holy spirit to guide you, strengthen, and help you serve God in spirit and in truth.
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